No more phone screens

AI-Powered Candidate Screening

We use AI-powered voice technology to make hiring smarter & faster by automating interview screens & analyzing responses.

Start Hiring

Save Time

Save time screening, scheduling & analyzing many candidates. Ensure only top talent make it to the interview.

Key Features

Async Verbal Interviews

We conduct asynchronous verbal interview screens using multilingual speech-to-text, transcription & analysis technology.

Smart Candidate Rankings

We perform nuanced technical response analysis & rank candidates based on how well verbal responses align with TA's ideal answer criteria.

AI Rating Explanations

We provide transparent rating explanations for every response, boosting understanding & confidence in decision-making.

ATS Integrations

We offer bi-directional workflow integrations with 49 leading ATS platforms to securely sync job posts, applicants & candidate statuses.

How It Works

Hiring, Simplified: Step by Step


Create Interview

After connecting your ATS, create an 'Interview Plan' by inputting role and interview questions, guided by AI recommendations, as well as your ideal answer criteria for each question.


Send Out Interviews

Connect the associated 'Interview Plan' to an ATS Job Post then send verbal interview link to all applicants or hand-picked favorites, allowing them to conveniently respond.


Identify Best Candidates

Quickly identify top live interview candidates with our Smart Candidate Rankings, precisely tailored to your ideal answer criteria. Candidate status changes seamlessly update in ATS.

Ready to offload phone screens?

Let our AI handle it

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+1 (424) 425-4477

Office location

21225 Pacific Coast Hwy, Unit D. Malibu, CA 90265 United States